Friday, May 31, 2013

Final Reflection

The purpose of this project, 20:1 Grateful, was to see if being grateful builds creativity. Through our own blogging experience, I believe that each of my classmates and I noticed some change in our photography when finding something grateful to capture. In my personal experience I found myself excited to take pictures and show others what I was grateful for. At first I was hesitant because I was not to sure what to post, but once I thought about what I was grateful for, it became easy.

The most difficult part of this project would definitely have to be staying on schedule. Through my experience that was difficult for me because some days I would not get an opportunity to take a photograph to post. I was also absent and that threw me off the most, because not only did I have to catch up, but the farther we got into the project the more difficult it became to find something grateful to take a photo of. 

The most valuable part of this project was being able to express my gratitude through my photography. I loved being able to show my gratitude in any way I wanted to, it gave me creative freedom. I could find a photograph and explain it with a quote that would correspond to the photograph, as well as why I was grateful for the certain subject it was illustrating. 

Even though this 20:1 Grateful project was a great experience I believe there are several different themes that could be used instead. One theme that I believe would be interesting is to take a photograph of the same subject for twenty days and see how much it changes. It would be an interesting theme because it is simple, and the results could be quite astounding. Another theme I believe that could be applied to the 20 day project is 'What inspires you'. It would be interesting to see where each student gets their inspiration from.  

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 20: Taking Silly Photos

Taking silly pictures with my friends is lots of fun, its great to look at them after and see the different expressions everyone is making. 

Day 19: Fishing

Fishing is lots of fun, especially with my youngest brother. 

Day 18: Going on Walks

I love going on walks through Verbena Fields because it is right across from where I live and you never know what you will see there. I was walking through Verbena once, and a deer ran right in front of me, glad I had my camera. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 17: Sushi

Sushi is my favorite type of food. Its bite size and yummy!

Day 16: Piano

I love to listen and play the piano. I'm not very good at playing it, but I think it sounds really beautiful.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 3: Reflection

Over the course of the three weeks I have been posting on my blog, it has become difficult to stay on task and complete each assignment on time. I like being able to work on my projects instead of having to fast pace through them. I feel with this blog I'm no longer worrying about my project look, but if I turn it in on time.